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2002-03-17 | 2:07 p.m.

The girls and I had a talk late last night. I was sitting in the old rocker, Cara was online using AIM, Tiffany was watching TV. I made them turn everything off. Tiffany and I were wearing skirts, mine the green striped one, hers a black skirt with mod green/aqua/white flora. Cara was in her grey cami and shortyshorts. Half way thru the discussion, Tiffany got a glob of lotion and started slatering my right foot and ankle with it.

Tiffany's more concerned about being called names (or otherwise discriminated against) than I realized. I'm trying so hard to be sensitive to her feelings and fears. Trying to put myself in her shoes, trying to recall times when I've felt put down for my appearance or personality. Aside from a few times as an adult when people have made hurtful comments referring to my lack of genius, I really haven't been faced with that. I've had the freedom to spit out a come-back, if I wanted to.

Tiffany wouldn't have the luxury. I was trying to tell her how unwise it would be to allow herself to be drawn into an arguement if we live in the south. I tried the "you're above them" discussion. I also tried to make her understand that no matter how witty and withering her retort, she wouldn't accomplish anything positive. Folks wanna think what they wanna. Period. "Man will dominate man to his injury"... "All over the country, people will find something about you they don't like, if they're looking"....The more we talked about it, the worse I felt.

The girls understand my motives for moving out of state. That isn't making it any easier for them, and I don't know how to fix it.

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