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2003-02-16 | 10:46 p.m.

The nurses station at work was under construction last week, but when I get back on Tuesday it should be completely finished and user-friendly. HA!


Cleaner, brighter. Fresh paint and all that. Essentially unchanged. There's a new bathroom that's directly accessable in that area, stricly to be used by staff members. BUT ... the heavy rack of charts has no where else to go but square in front of the door, so anyone who wants to use it will need to heave ho and shove that baby aside first. Should be interesting.

There's also a brand spanking new locked medication room. It's got a camera inside to watch the window. Seems someone is concerned that a "drug addict" will break into the window to steal all of the 12 or so handfulls of narcotic pain killer's we have on hand at any given time.

Um, one question.

If anyone does indeed see a person breaking into that med room, wehehell, we'll just stay clear of HIM for a while until he gathers up all he wants and climbs right back out. Oh you didn't think we intended to actually stop him, did you?

Also, I really wanted to share this with you, Diary. Yesterday, I spent quite a bit more than 250 bux. Kinna embarassed about it. The total came to more like:

computer 143.00ish

windows xp 99.00ish

cara's pix 325.00ish



I'm really not sure where that 250.00 came from. Wishful thinking?

Last week I bought a little sewing machine, and some fabric and patterns for us. Oooh yea, that's where I got that number from.

Somehow I was able to have a really good day today, the whole time feeling really bad. It's a gift.

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