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2002-11-10 | 1:52 a.m.

I started to pen an entry this evening, whilest the wee ones played gleefully below in the courtyard. It consisted mainly of regret for choosing to make overtime on Friday night instead of fulfilling my obligations as a good daughter, thereby picking up Mummy and driving her to the fundraiser/potluck that was planned by Jeff's wife and church group. Not giving room to thoughts of anything but remorse and bitter guilt, I went on and on about this one time that I decided to think about my personal finances instead of everyone else's needs. At the time it didn't occur to me that all they really needed me to do was buy a half dozen tickets, and maybe help clean up a bit, which Mummy can't do b/c of her immobility. That's when IT happened.


Yes indeedy she did break it. Left Tib/fib fractured in 3 places. Nothing protruding, no blood or guts, but she's casted and will need to go back to have some pins put in to hold the joint and broken bones together ASAP.

So, where's the moral of this story?

Don't get so caught up in the little stuff, worrying about shit that really isn't a problem, that you miss the important things. (Tiffany learned this lesson on perspective tonight. She won't be able to weight bear, or go to school and see her friends, or wear normal clothes for a couple of weeks.) Don't worry about giving your number out to people just because they own a computer and happen to talk to you with a keyboard instead of speaking directly into the handset. Be careful, of course, but listen... here's an assignment: for the next week, go around making a mental note of all the people you see on a regular basis who are just normal folks, and ask them if they use a computer. Betcha most of them will say "yes" and you don't worry about them stalking you, right? Just do it, for your own peace of mind. You'll see what I mean.

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Miss These?

absence of life - 2003-07-28
death cake - 2003-07-08
I won't let this age me. - 2003-07-06
Goodbye Jeffrey - 2003-06-19
Thanks but no thanks. - 2003-06-11
