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2003-01-18 | 8:06 p.m.

Diary, I wonder what approx. percentage of abortions are truely 'theraputic' abortions, and what the number for the remaining 'birth control' abortions is......

Gonna have to dig a bit and find out.

I read an entry in a blog that went suttin` like this:

..George Dubya, you are not the boss of us. Women will continue to get abortions whether you like it or not......If you're so concerned about the sanctity of life, why don't you adopt every one of these babies, and raise them, and love them, ok?

(That wasn't a direct quote, however that's almost word for word that was written.)

No, he isn't the boss of you. But apparently, you aren't the boss of you either, or you wouldn't be needing so many 'birth control' methods after the fact. I guess being CAREFUL and AWARE OF CONSEQUENCES is too much to ask for the average person today. What does the term 'consentual sex' mean? What exactly were the both of you concenting to when you entered an empty room and shut the door?

*Sure, I guess many people don't agree with my point of view. Getting angry at me for having it, or over-reacting won't change it either. If you have a valid point to make in reference to a different opinion, good for you. Be sure to add an entry to your diary real soon, k?*

In the meanwhile, I never did find out what all the commotion was about the stem cell research business. That's another thing I need to educate myself about, and quick.

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