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2003-05-24 | 7:52 p.m.

If someone is being truely stupid, (as in today: I was swimming along in my lane, A L O N E and suddenly I C RRRRrRrrRRR-AA$$$$HHHhhhHHhhH!!! into a body of some sort. Turns out a certain porkrind-eating, crackrock-smoking fudge-packer decided to simply lunge into my lane without warning me, and therefore I swam directly into him before even realizing I was supposed to be staying on one side of the lane to give him room, and then ok.. OK, THEN he just swims along as if nothing happened because apparently he wasn't hurt even a teensy bit. It's ok. I'mma find out which car he drives and key it.

See? That's what I mean, but on a much grander scale. When your deficient upbringing shows. And when your obvious lack of commmon sense and self awareness allows you to cause someone else a whole lot of hurt or heartache or maybe even both. Like when you are involved with a married person, knowing that they are still legally married to another person, but engage in willful treachery anyhoo.) well, your okayness isn't in full effect, so you're not my friend. See? Stupid = 0-okayness = not fine with me. This entry is about me and my feelings and goals, as are the rest, Diary. Can't I even have that? Do I want too much?

** That's what replaces the entry for 5-3. Why did I change it? I re-read it and decided that I could find a more accurate way to express how I feel, so that in the future I can re-read this diary and remember what I was concerned with. I went to the Book Barn today and got a couple of Dave Barry books for 3 bux, as well as a book of womens` diaries from the late 1800's and early 1900's. Should be Vetty Eenterestink.

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death cake - 2003-07-08
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Thanks but no thanks. - 2003-06-11
