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2002-12-06 | 7:56 p.m.

Dear Dusty,

I was just breezing thru your profile, looking for something cute and funny again, and I noticed it and dude, I'm sorry, k? Don't feel bad. You certainly did the right thing. But you knew that. And, I appreciate that you keep me in your favorites regardless of my ubersucking, bottomless lack of talent and your ever growing popularity of prose. There's some truely good writing you've found here that is indeed "favorites" material. If you want to remove me from your favorites list and just keep me as a buddy or whatever, I totally understand and won't mind at all. Hopelessly outclassed is an understatement, my friend, and I more than anyone else, know it.


Dear Rotton-Crotch Pudgie Biotch at work:

I hate you and want you to choke on a hunk of kielbasa and die. And your as for your ugly droppings we shall henceforth refer to as dependants: As Tim would say, "Dig it, those M**********RS are straight dot, yo. Seriously."


Dear Mom:

I'll come see you tomorrow. The kids and I will bring you something nice. Just not food, ok? Love ya.

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Thanks but no thanks. - 2003-06-11
