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2002-03-10 | 2:14 p.m.

Here's the thing: My house smells like cooking meat. The crockpot is tenderly stewing some ground turkey and onions in tomato sauce and the whole place smells like meat. AANNNDDDDDD.... Cheety is has gotten really far in Jack `n Daxter, with a whopping 26 of the needed 45 energy orbs she needs!! We bought the ps2 yesterday afternoon and I'm still waiting to get my turn to play.. hehe. Cara went to the mall with Lindsay an hour or so ago. Ten bux wasn't enough. They wanted more money, to 'buy some drinks'. I asked why they couldn't buy drinks with the ten bux and she said "ut.. well, cuz ..... we need that money...to...buy...somethingelseyeasomethingelse *toothy grin*

hmm. "sorry, that's all the cash I had" *toothier grin rightbackatcha*

Reading an article on a New York public tv station's stab at reality tv with 3 frontier families in Montana was heartwarming. The idea of working hard, side by side with my girls, away from the pull of unumbered time wasters we've willingly surrounded ourselves with was appealing. Then I looked closely at the pic of a young boy sitting at a wooden table (made by his daddy's own 2 hands, awwww) and felt the nostalgia melt away. Bugs. Zillions of them. Scratch that idea.

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