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2003-04-02 | 10:42 p.m.

"Wheeeeeeeeeere does one come up with such nastyness?" That's what she said after I finished reading aloud the most recent entry for diaryquotes.

Where indeeeeeed?

Today I parked in a texaco station waiting for Tiffany to burst forth from her Dad's duplex and get home with me. A young girl with long brown hair got out of her car to pump some gas. She had one tight fitting pink pants, capri length and rolled down white sox inside of sneakers. Very cute butt, I thought. Wait till the guys that just went inside to pay for the gas they're about to pump see her standing behind their truck.

Sure enough, the guys not only noticed her, they tried to talk to her. It was about then that I noticed her go from busy to tense. Something about the way she held her chin stiff on top of her neck and didn't change expression.

Neither of the guys were gross looking, btw. One of them was tall, athletic, attractive, and the other was just plain. Both looked clean and presentable. But she was scared, and watching her it brought me back to days I would walk home from school and every male eye that was stopped at the red light was glued to my backside until they had to move their cars of get honked at. 3pm, daylight, and they gawked and made me uncomfortable.

"Don't hurt me. Don't. You're far too interested and I feel like you don't care if I'm frightened or not. You like seeing me intimidated. You like it and you'd like to hurt me. Don't. Don't. I know I can't fight you off, you're too strong. An attempt to hit you will end with my wrist clamped in your iron grip. Get away. Stop staring at me. Don't."

She jumped in her car and took off. For a moment I thought they would follow her, they did with their eyes, anyway. But someone else was in the club cab of the truck and they got in and drove in the other direction, and I was able to breathe normally again.

That girl would have enough common sense not to wear dazzeling diamonds and ropes of gold if she was walking around in a crime-ridden neighborhood, right? Robbery is wrong, period, but she would have the common sense not to wear the stuff right? So wwwhhhyyyyy didn't she have the common sense to cover her behind up when driving thru a bad neighborhood at night ALONE?

Why is common sense called "common" sense when so "Few" of us have it?

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