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2003-05-11 | 9:43 p.m.

These are some of my notes from the past weekend's assembly in Newburgh N.Y. Diary.

"Trust your heart and all will end well."

Proverbs 28:26 He that is trusting in his own heart is stupid, but he that is walking in wisdom is the one that will escape.


-as seen on currency: �In God We Trust� however, in reality, it is in dollars that we trust. Think, though. Can we afford to put our trust in something that runs out?


Ever watch a child blowing bubbles. You touch them, they pop. You don�t touch them, they pop. You don�t do anything at all to them and they pop. Bubbles.. vein little things.

Solomon says everything is vanity. Ecclesiastes 2:4, 11 says �I engaged in greater works. I built houses for myself. I planted I planted vineyards for myself�And I, even I turned toward all the works of mine� and look! Everything was vanity and a striving after wind..�

Christians need to guard against thinking we can buy happiness.


Ps 143:8 In the morning, cause me to hear your loving kindness�

Take time out to read God�s word daily.

We had a completely lovely time; nice folks, pleasant weather, and beautiful facility. Tiffany and I enjoyed some spectacular quality time for a change. We were both sorry to see the session end.

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Miss These?

absence of life - 2003-07-28
death cake - 2003-07-08
I won't let this age me. - 2003-07-06
Goodbye Jeffrey - 2003-06-19
Thanks but no thanks. - 2003-06-11
