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2002-04-05 | 12:03 a.m.

About a month ago, I noticed the tender skin on the undersides of my arms, and also the front of my thighs right above my knees were pinky when I got out of the pool at the community center.

My face sometimes gets pink when I'm swimming hard, so a little more pink skin didn't alarm me.

Today, I wasn't pink.

After a truely lovely swim .......I got out and showered and....AAAKKKK!!! IISSHH!!! BRIGHT PINK. ITCHY. NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME.


You know where this is going, don't you? (I'm being microsoftened right before my very eyes.) Straight to RED. BUMPY. CLAWING AND DIGGING AT MY FLESH.

Wehehehell, we can not have that, lemme tellya. One week off, and I'll be able to rule out the chlorine allergy hypothesis.

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